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This is a sample of the upcoming YOGA from MARS sequencing videos.

This particular clip features Eddie Teboul showing and instructing one his signature Sun Salutations at an intermediate level numbered 3 because there are many different kinds with alternative effects and purpose.

Hatha, though sun and moon,

is Sanskrit's way to say yin and yang, 

feminine and masculine, effort.

So all physically oriented yoga is Hatha.

The salutation aspect of the vinyasa looks like waves.

Vi= Order

Nyasa= Purpose

The linking mechanism of breath, intention and movement.

MARS, fourth planet from the sun, God of the inner warrior battling the ego for peace.

After a long battle through the body a yogi begins to experience the subtle effects of yoga.

YOGA is the defragmented Self, the great I AM which is One with all pairs of opposites and in perfect equanimity of soul, body and mind.




Eddie Teboul and The ART of BEAUTY

Previously fashion editorial hairstylist/yogi Eddie Teboul, and star makeup artist Linda Mason, creator of the cosmetic and art brand The Art of Beauty, collaborated in an art form metaphorically representing body art and yoga as one expression.

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